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In this video, you’ll learn how to do keyword research in 2020 for a brand new website. Even if you have an existing website, you'll learn some tips to better structure your keyword targeting for long term growth. First, you’ll learn what a seed keyword is and a few ways to brainstorm a massive list of keywords. You’ll then learn an effective trick that you can use to filter your list down to the keyword ideas that you want to target. Next, you’ll learn how to identify 3 types of keywords. Each type is important and the way you target them should be different.
These are: 1. Low Competition Keywords You’ll learn how to find such keywords by using filters on keyword research tools. You’ll then learn a method to decide between targeting multiple keywords with one page, or creating individual posts targeting a single keyword. 2. Link-Bait Worthy Topics You’ll learn how creating content around such topics can help rank other pages and build authority across your website. You’ll also learn how to reverse engineer the success factors of pages that have already generated a ton of links. 3. Money Terms You’ll learn how to focus on transactional intent and identify keywords that will be your core revenue drivers.
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